Conference Rooms & Co-working Space Terms & Conditions

Conference Rooms

§ 1
Preliminary Provisions

  1. These Terms and Conditions outline the guidelines for utilizing services offered by Revest Investments Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Katowice, within the coworking facility “Wellcome Office – Coworking Space,” located at ul. Kościuszki 55, premises 2,3,4,5,6,9.
  2. The Terms and Conditions shall be applicable to Participants and their Guests attending events such as training sessions, mediations, conferences, workshops, presentations, or other similar gatherings, hereinafter referred to as Events.
  3. For all inquiries regarding the provision of services specified herein, please make contact through:
    a) Phone: +48 32 555 0 444.
    b) Mail: Revest Investments Sp. z o.o., ul. Jana Matejki 4/2, 40-077 Katowice.
    c) Email: [email protected].

§ 2

Whenever the following terms are used in these Terms and Conditions, they should be understood as follows:

  1. Guest: a natural person invited by the User to the Conference Room, who:
    1. is neither a representative nor a member of a body of the User who is not a natural person;
    2. is not associated with the Service Provider by any legal relationship that would entitle them to use the Conference Rooms.
  2. Confidential information: any information of organizational, commercial, financial, economic, technical, and legal nature concerning Users or Guests, particularly information about their business, customers, and their utilization of Revest Investments’ services, except for information publicly available at the time of disclosure; information that, once disclosed, becomes publicly available through lawful dissemination; information required to be disclosed by law or for which the consent of the relevant User or Guest has been obtained.
  3. GDPR: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the Protection of Natural Persons Concerning the Processing of Personal Data and the Free Movement of such Data, Repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
  4. Conference Rooms: fully equipped meeting rooms, designed for a maximum of 4 to 50 people (depending on the specific room), located in the building at 55 Kościuszki Street, Katowice, premises 2, 4, and 9.
  5. Service Provider or Revest Investments: Revest Investments Sp. z o.o., with its registered office at Jana Matejki 4/2, Katowice (40-077), registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs held by the District Court of Katowice-Wschód in Katowice VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS no.: 0000725442, with NIP no.: 6342927387, REGON no.: 369914429, with a share capital of PLN 1,000,000.00, providing conference room rental services under the Wellcome Office brand.
  6. User: A natural person authorized to utilize the Conference Rooms based on the legal relationship between them and the Service Provider or as designated in the agreement executed between the Service Provider and a legal entity or a non-legal entity with legal capacity as granted by law.

§ 3
General Provisions

  1. The User may only utilize the Conference Rooms under the terms outlined in these Terms and Conditions.
  2. The Conference Rooms are equipped with all essential utilities (electricity, hot and cold water including sewage, heating, Internet), including municipal systems, and are fully furnished and decorated in line with their intended use.
  3. Utilization of the Conference Rooms shall adhere to these Terms and Conditions, their designated purpose, and in compliance with operational requirements, notably observing applicable fire safety and health and safety regulations.
  4. Users authorized to use the Conference Rooms gain access to the building and the Rooms through representatives or employees of Revest Investments Sp. z o.o. in the form of access codes to:
    – the building’s intercom;
    – the rented conference room.
    The User and their Guests are not permitted to share access codes with third parties. In particular, it is prohibited to make access codes publicly available to third parties by placing such data in public areas (e.g., in front of the building entrance or on the intercom). In the event of a violation of the above prohibition, the Service Provider will impose a contractual penalty on the User in the amount of 500 PLN.
  5. The property is under 24-hour video surveillance covering common areas, excluding coworking spaces, bathrooms, and Conference Rooms.
  6. Within each Conference Room, the Service Provider shall offer Users a designated area for storing clothes and personal belongings at their own risk. The Service Provider shall bear no responsibility or liability for items left by Users in these areas or outside the designated storage spaces.
  7. Every User inviting Guests to the Conference Rooms shall familiarize them with the contents of these Terms and Conditions.

§ 4
Basic Principles for the Lease of Conference Rooms

  1. Users utilizing the Conference Rooms shall be granted access during the reservation period, which extends throughout the entire day, from 0:01 to 24:00.
  2. During the Event, Users may invite Guests to the Conference Room in a quantity suitable for the leased Room’s capacity. Any exceeding of room capacity shall be approved in advance by Revest Investments Ltd.
  3. Invited Guests shall be received in a manner that does not disrupt other Users from utilizing their leased spaces.

§ 5
Rules for the Use of Conference Rooms

  1. The Conference Rooms shall be available for use by Users and Guests invited by Users.
  2. The User is entitled to utilize the designated Conference Room according to the reserved time slot.
  3. Guests may use the Conference Rooms only in the presence of the inviting User.
  4. Reserving a Conference Room can be done through online portals, reservation systems, email, or telephone contact. Confirmation of the reservation shall require a prepayment of 100% of the reservation value to Revest Investments Sp. z o.o.’s bank account.
  5. Reservations for conference rooms shall be accepted at least 2 working days prior to the planned event. Reservations made less than 2 working days before the event may be accommodated upon agreement with the Service Provider and shall be subject to an additional surcharge determined by the Service Provider.
  6. Reservations shall be based on a full-day system, with each reservation day starting at 0:01 a.m. and ending at 24:00 a.m.
  7. Extending the reserved time for the Conference Room is possible only if no other reservations are in place for that time slot, and this shall incur an additional charge equivalent to the price of a full day’s reservation.
  8. Any changes to the reservation date or the need for an extension shall be communicated to Revest Investments Sp. z o.o. no later than 3 days before the scheduled reservation date. The Service Provider shall accommodate changes or extensions if feasible. Prepayments made shall be credited to the new reservation in case of date changes.
  9. Prepayments shall be non-refundable in case of cancellation by the User.
  10. Equipment provided may only be used within the leased premises. It is prohibited to remove any equipment from the Conference Room to the building corridor. The User shall be responsible for arranging the room’s equipment and furniture back to their original positions after the Event. Failure to comply with this rule shall result in a contractual penalty of 500 PLN charged by the Service Provider.
  11. The Tenant shall maintain the leased premises in good order and cleanliness. Eating meals in the Conference Rooms is strictly prohibited. Meals shall be consumed in designated areas such as the buffet space. Failure to comply shall result in a contractual penalty of 500 PLN charged to the User.
  12. Upon termination of the lease, the Tenant shall leave the premises undisturbed. Failure to do so shall result in a contractual penalty of PLN 500 charged by the Service Provider.
  13. Before leaving the premises, the User shall switch off all electrical appliances and lights. Failure to do so shall result in a contractual penalty of PLN 500 charged by the Service Provider.
  14. Organizing meetings, events, presentations, or sales in the Conference Rooms that may tarnish the reputation of Revest Investments or violate applicable laws, social norms, or morals is strictly prohibited, including:
    1. Presentation or sale of products or services involving financial pyramid schemes or multi-level marketing.
    2. Meetings or events associated with totalitarian methods and practices of Nazism, fascism, or communism, violence for political gain, or any form of discrimination in political, social, or economic life.
  15. If the Service Provider becomes aware of any such activities, they reserve the right to cancel the reservation and deny access to the Conference Rooms for the User.

§ 6
Obligations of Users and Guests, as well as Housekeeping Rules

  1. Users and Guests utilizing the Conference Rooms are obligated to adhere to the regulations outlined herein.
  2. The following housekeeping regulations shall govern conduct within the Conference Rooms:
    1. All Users and Guests shall strictly adhere to health, safety, and fire regulations while using the Conference Rooms.
    2. Usage of the Conference Rooms shall respect both individuals and property therein and occur in a peaceful and quiet manner.
    3. The use of electrical, gas, water, computer, and telephone networks shall be conducted in a manner that prevents damage, pollution, overloading, or any other form of impairment hindering their functionality.   
    4. Activities hindering or obstructing the use of the Conference Rooms by others are strictly prohibited.
    5. Storage of bulky, dangerous, flammable, or similarly hazardous items within the Conference Rooms is prohibited without prior written consent from the Service Provider. Such items may be removed or relocated for storage by Revest Investments Sp. z o.o. at the expense and risk of the individual violating this prohibition.
    6. Each User and Guest shall be responsible for maintaining cleanliness and proper condition of the Conference Rooms and their equipment.
    7. Any observed damage or destruction within the Conference Rooms or to their equipment shall be promptly reported to representatives of the Service Provider.
    8. Consumption or being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicants, as well as smoking tobacco or e-cigarettes, is strictly prohibited on the premises and within the Conference Rooms.
    9. No animals of any kind are permitted in the Conference Rooms without prior written consent from the Service Provider.
    10. It is forbidden to share or disclose Internet access passwords provided by the Service Provider with others.

§ 7
Responsibility and Liability of Users and Guests

  1. A User or Guest found in violation of these Terms and Conditions may receive a reprimand and, should the violation persist, be promptly ejected from the Conference Room. A User expelled under these circumstances shall not be entitled to a refund for any unused services.
  2. The User shall bear liability for any damage incurred to the Conference Rooms, furniture, or other property therein due to their own negligence or gross negligence. Guests, along with inviting Users, shall share joint and several liability for damage resulting from Guest negligence or gross negligence.

§ 8
Responsibility and Liability of Service Provider

  1. The Service Provider shall take reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access to the Conference Rooms by third parties; however, the Service Provider shall not be held liable for any belongings left by Users or their Guests.
  2. The Service Provider shall ensure the upkeep of utility systems (electricity, hot and cold water, sewage) and the proper functioning of the IT network in the Conference Rooms. Nevertheless, the Service Provider shall not be liable for damage resulting from temporary unavailability due to factors beyond the control of Revest Investments (such as issues with utility or Internet providers, technical malfunctions, or force majeure events).
  3. The Service Provider shall bear no liability for any damage resulting from temporary inability to utilize the Conference Rooms or the equipment therein due to circumstances beyond the control of Revest Investments (such as technical malfunctions, breakdowns, or force majeure events).

§ 9
Final provisions

  1. Payment of the reservation amount shall imply acknowledgment of these Terms and Conditions and acceptance of their provisions.
  2. These Terms and Conditions become effective on January 1, 2024.

Coworking Space

§ 1
Preliminary Provisions

  1. These Terms and Conditions outline the guidelines for utilizing services offered by Revest Investments Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Katowice, within the coworking facility “Wellcome Office – Coworking Space”, located at ul. Kościuszki 55, premises 3,5,6.
  2. For all inquiries regarding the provision of services specified herein, please make contact through:
    a) Phone: +48 32 555 0 444.
    b) Mail: Revest Investments Sp. z o.o., ul. Jana Matejki 4/2, 40-077 Katowice.
    c) Email: [email protected].

§ 2

Whenever the following terms are employed in these Regulations, they shall bear the following meanings:

  1. Working days: Any calendar day excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.
  2. Guest: A natural person invited by the User to the Coworking Space, who:
    1. is neither a representative nor a member of a body of the User who is not a natural person;
    2. is not associated with the Service Provider by any legal relationship that would entitle them to use the Coworking Space.
  3. Confidential information: any information of organizational, commercial, financial, economic, technical, and legal nature concerning Users or Guests, particularly information about their business, customers, and their utilization of Revest Investments’ services, except for information publicly available at the time of disclosure; information that, once disclosed, becomes publicly available through lawful dissemination; information required to be disclosed by law or for which the consent of the relevant User or Guest has been obtained.
  4. Access card: An electronic card designated to the User, housing a digital key granting entry to the Coworking Space premises.
  5. Coworking space: A prepared office space situated in Katowice, at ul. Kościuszki 55, premises 3, 5, 6, comprising coworking rooms, private areas, common relaxation spaces (chillout rooms), kitchen, and bathroom facilities.
  6. Coworking Package: A comprehensive service and premises access package purchased by the User, constituting an annex to the agreement concluded between them and the Service Provider.
  7. GDPR: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated April 27, 2016, concerning the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the Protection of Natural Persons Concerning the Processing of Personal Data and the Free Movement of such Data, Repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
  8. Coworking station: A designated area segregated from the Coworking Space, featuring approximately 3.00 m2 of usable space, a desk, and a chair.
  9. Service Provider or Revest Investments: Revest Investments Sp. z o.o., with its registered office at Jana Matejki 4/2, Katowice (40-077), registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs held by the District Court of Katowice-Wschód in Katowice VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS no.: 0000725442, with NIP no.: 6342927387, REGON no.: 369914429, with a share capital of PLN 1,000,000.00, providing coworking services under the Wellcome Office brand.
  10. User: A natural person authorized to utilize the Coworking Space based on the legal relationship between them and the Service Provider or as designated in the agreement executed between the Service Provider and a legal entity or a non-legal entity with legal capacity as granted by law.

§ 3
General Provisions

  1. The User may utilize the Coworking Space, including the Coworking Station, and other services solely in accordance with the agreement executed with the Service Provider.
  2. The Coworking Space is equipped with all essential utilities (electricity, hot and cold water, including sewage, heating, internet), including municipal systems, and is fully furnished and decorated in line with its intended use.
  3. Utilization of the Coworking Space premises shall adhere to the terms of the agreement, these Terms and Conditions, their designated purpose, and in compliance with operational requirements, notably observing applicable fire safety and health and safety regulations.
  4. The extent of access to the Coworking Space and its services is determined by the Coworking Package purchased by the User.
  5. Entry to various areas within the Coworking Space requires a valid access card.
  6. The Coworking Space features 24-hour video surveillance covering common areas, namely the building corridors at 55 Kościuszki Street. Coworking stations and bathrooms are exempt from surveillance.
  7. Users shall be permitted to utilize secured lockers at their own risk. The Service Provider shall bear no responsibility or liability for items stored within these lockers or items left outside the designated locker areas.
  8. Every User inviting Guests to the Coworking Space shall familiarize them with the contents of these Terms and Conditions.

§ 4
Access Cards

  1. A User who has purchased the Coworking Package, entitling them to utilize coworking services, shall receive an access card from the Service Provider.
  2. The Access Card shall permit entry to individual rooms within the Coworking Space in accordance with the User’s Coworking Package. Each time a User enters or exits a specific room within the Coworking Space, they shall utilize the Access Card at the reader located at the entrance and exit of said room.
  3. Every use of the Access Card is meticulously monitored and digitally recorded.
  4. The Access Card shall be strictly for the personal use of the assigned User. Sharing the Access Card with other Users, Guests, or third parties is prohibited.
  5. Each User shall return their assigned Access Card no later than the termination date of the agreement between the User and the Service Provider.
  6. In the event of refusal to return the Access Card, loss, or destruction thereof, the User shall be liable to compensate the Service Provider with the sum of PLN 50.00.

§ 5
Rules for the Use of Coworking Space

  1. Under the Service Provider’s offering, Users may lease:
  1. a separate office space for exclusive use, or
  2. a coworking station in a shared space, such as a dedicated desk or a suite of desks.
  1. Coworking services are accessible through monthly Coworking Packages, with a minimum rental period of 1 month.
  2. Users with the purchased Coworking Package, granting them access to coworking services, shall enjoy unlimited entry to the Coworking Space premises 24/7.
  3. Users renting an office space for exclusive use shall be subject to a one-month notice period, as stipulated in the agreement between the parties. Coworking station rentals shall not require a notice period; however, Users shall inform the Service Provider of their intent to terminate the lease agreement no later than 2 weeks prior to the planned termination date.
  4. Users may invite a maximum of 2 (two) Guests to the Coworking Space simultaneously, for a duration not exceeding 1 hour per day. Exceeding these limits shall require prior consent from Revest Investments Sp. z o.o., provided it does not inconvenience other Users.
  5. Invited Guests shall be received in a manner that does not disrupt other Users, preferably outside the Coworking Station room.
  6. Equipment within the leased space may only be used within the leased area. Taking Coworking Space equipment into the building corridor is prohibited. Upon lease termination, Users shall return the leased space’s equipment to its original configuration on the rental commencement date. Failure to comply shall incur a contractual penalty of PLN 200 charged by the Service Provider.
  7. Users shall be responsible for maintaining cleanliness and order within the leased space. Consuming meals within the coworking space is strictly prohibited; meals may only be consumed in designated areas such as the kitchen. Non-compliance with this rule shall incur a contractual penalty of 200 PLN.
  8. Upon lease termination, Users shall leave the leased space in its original condition. Failure to do so shall result in a contractual penalty of PLN 200 charged by the Service Provider.
  9. Users shall switch off all electrical appliances and lights before leaving the leased space. Failure to do so shall incur a contractual penalty of PLN 500.00 charged by Revest Investments Sp. z o.o.
  10. Organizing meetings, events, presentations, or sales within the Coworking Space that may tarnish the reputation of Revest Investments or violate applicable laws, social norms, or morals is strictly prohibited, including:
    1. Presentation or sale of products or services involving financial pyramid schemes or multi-level marketing.
    2. Meetings or events associated with totalitarian methods and practices of Nazism, fascism, or communism, violence for political gain, or any form of discrimination in political, social, or economic life.
  11. If the Service Provider becomes aware of a User organizing activities violating the aforementioned rules, Revest Investments reserves the right to terminate the lease agreement with the User.
  12. Users shall be expressly prohibited from registering business activities at the lease address.

§ 6
Obligations of Users and Guests, as well as Housekeeping Regulations

  1. Users and Guests utilizing the Coworking Space are obligated to adhere to the regulations outlined herein.
  2. The following housekeeping regulations shall govern conduct within the Coworking Space:
  1. All Users and Guests shall strictly adhere to health, safety, and fire regulations while using the Coworking Space.
  2. Usage of the Coworking Space shall respect both individuals and property therein and occur in a peaceful and quiet manner.
  3. The use of electrical, gas, water, computer, and telephone networks shall be conducted in a manner that prevents damage, pollution, overloading, or any other form of impairment hindering their functionality.   
  4. Users and Guests shall silence their cell phones, and phone calls shall only be made in designated areas.
  5. When utilizing common areas of the Coworking Space, Users or Guests shall refrain from making derogatory remarks or engaging in discussions that may negatively impact others’ work.
  6. Activities that obstruct or impede others from using the Coworking Space are strictly prohibited.
  7. Hot meals shall be prepared and consumed exclusively in the kitchen area.
  8. Storage of bulky, dangerous, flammable, or similarly hazardous items within the Coworking Space is prohibited without prior written consent from the Service Provider. Such items may be removed or relocated for storage by Revest Investments Sp. z o.o. at the expense and risk of the individual violating this prohibition.
  9. Users and Guests shall be responsible for maintaining cleanliness and proper condition within the Coworking Space and its equipment.
  10. Any observed damage or destruction within the Coworking Space or its equipment shall be promptly reported to Service Provider representatives.
  11. Any requests or shortages of consumables (e.g., coffee, toilet paper) shall be reported to Service Provider representatives.
  12. The consumption or presence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicants, as well as smoking tobacco or e-cigarettes, is strictly prohibited within the Coworking Space. 
  13. Animals are not permitted within the Coworking Space without prior written consent from the Service Provider.
  14. Sharing or disclosing Internet access passwords provided by the Service Provider to third parties is prohibited.
  15. Both Users and Guests shall maintain confidentiality and refrain from disclosing to third parties any information or data obtained from other Users or Guests that constitutes their business secrets or Confidential Information.

§ 7
Responsibility and Liability of Users and Guests

  1. A User or Guest found in violation of these Terms and Conditions may receive a reprimand and, should the violation persist, be promptly ejected from the Coworking Space. A User expelled under these circumstances shall not be entitled to a refund for any unused services.
  2. The User shall bear liability for any damage incurred to the Coworking Space, furniture, or other property therein due to their own negligence or gross negligence. Guests, along with inviting Users, shall share joint and several liabilities for damage resulting from Guest negligence or gross negligence.

§ 8
Responsibility and Liability of Service Provider

  1. The Service Provider shall take reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access to the Coworking Space by third parties; however, the Service Provider shall not be held liable for any belongings left by Users or their Guests.
  2. The Service Provider shall ensure the upkeep of utility systems (electricity, hot and cold water, sewage) and the proper functioning of the IT network in the Coworking Space. Nevertheless, the Service Provider shall not be liable for damage resulting from temporary unavailability due to factors beyond the control of Revest Investments (such as issues with utility or Internet providers, technical malfunctions, or force majeure events).
  3. The Service Provider shall bear no liability for any damage resulting from a temporary inability to utilize the Coworking Space (such as technical malfunctions, breakdowns, or force majeure events).

§ 9
Amendments to the Terms and Conditions, and Final Provisions

  1. Any modification to these Terms and Conditions shall be preceded by sending an email to Users containing information about the changes, along with posting details regarding the modifications on the website no later than one month before the changes become effective.
  2. If the User does not agree to the changes outlined in Section 1, they may submit a statement of non-acceptance to the Service Provider before the effective date of the changes. Such submission shall result in the termination of the agreement between the Service Provider and the User:
    a) For Users who have entered into an agreement with Revest Investments for a period exceeding one month, the amendments to the Terms and Conditions shall become effective.
    b) For Users who have entered into an agreement with Revest Investments for a one-month period, termination shall take effect on the next business day following the date of delivery of the statement of non-acceptance of changes to the Terms and Conditions to Revest Investments.
  3. These Terms and Conditions shall come into force on March 1st 2024.